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L’Università di Trento è un’ateneo italiano situato a Trento, nel nord Italia. Fondata nel 1962, è conosciuta per la sua alta qualità nell’insegnamento e nella ricerca, con un focus particolare su scienze sociali, ingegneria, economia e scienze umane.
L’università offre una varietà di corsi di laurea triennali e magistrali, ed è nota per il suo approccio internazionale, con numerosi programmi di scambio e collaborazioni con istituzioni accademiche in tutto il mondo.
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The University of Trento was founded in 1962 as a Higher University Institute for Social Sciences. It then became the first Faculty of Sociology in Italy. The impact on the city was quite contradictory: the university was seen both as a motivating force for cultural openness and the creation of a new leading class, but also as a fracturing element of protest.
In order to expand the educational opportunities of the University of Trento, in 1972 the Faculty of Science was founded and in 1973 so was the Faculty of Economics. The academic project was expanded in 1984 with the Faculties of Arts and Humanities and Law and in 1985 with the Faculty of Engineering. In 2004 the Faculty of Cognitive Sciences was founded. In 2017 there was the addition of the C3A, Center Agriculture, Food and Environment, with the collaboration of the University of Trento and the Edmund Mach Foundation.
The didactic and scientific activities are concentrated around three main “areas”: the city area, with the Departments of Economics and Management, Sociology and Social research, Humanities, the Faculty of Law and the School of International Studies; the hill area, with the Departments of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, Information Engineering and Computer Science, Industrial Engineering, Mathematics, Physics and CIBIO – Centre for Integrative Biology; the Department of Psychology and Cognitive Science and CIMeC – Centre for Mind/Brain Sciences in Rovereto.
Special importance has been given to the International dimension of the university ever since its first years. The university has focused on the development of strategic international alliances in the view of complementarity.