Where to order fake California Institute of Integral Studies degree certificate online? Why people would like to buy a realistic California Institute of Integral Studies diploma certificate online? Who can make a realistic California Institute of Integral Studies degree certificate online? The California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) is a private, non-profit university located in San Francisco, California.
It offers a variety of graduate and undergraduate programs in fields such as psychology, counseling psychology, holistic health, philosophy, religion, and cultural anthropology. CIIS is known for its emphasis on interdisciplinary and holistic approaches to education, and its commitment to social justice and personal transformation. The university was founded in 1968 and has a diverse student body from around the world.
The California Institute of Integral Studies (CIIS) grew out of the earlier American Academy of Asian Studies, founded by Louis Gainsborough in 1951. Other early contributors to the founding of the academy include Frederic Spiegelberg. The academy was an independent educational institution set up to study Eastern culture and philosophy and improve the dialogue between east and west. Soon after the founding of the institution, Gainsborough was joined by Alan Watts and Haridas Chaudhuri, two persons that played a crucial role in the development of the academy’s academic profile.
Both Watts and Chaudhuri were oriented towards Eastern religions and philosophy and integrated this into their teaching and colloquia. Watts, a teacher of Eastern mysticism, established the academy as a meeting place for counter-cultural movements, also known as the San Francisco Renaissance.
Chaudhuri, a scholar of Aurobindo, developed the field of Integral counseling psychology, an integration of eastern philosophy with the growing field of counseling psychology. According to sources “Chaudhuri’s vision of integral education, like that of Alan Watts, was based on connecting the cultural traditions of the East and the West”.
In addition to Watts, Chaudhuri, and Spiegelberg, others offering classes and special lectures at the Academy included C. P. Ramaswamy Iyer, Judith Tyberg, Rom Landau, Saburo Hasegawa, G. P. Malalasekhara, and Gi-ming Shien.
Graduate students included Michael Murphy and Dick Price, future cofounders of the Esalen Institute; Gia-Fu Feng who translated Chinese classics for Watts and would go on to write bestselling translations of the Tao Te Ching and Zhuangzi; and leading figures of the Beat Generation including poet Gary Snyder. Price, Feng, and Snyder were among a core group of students that lived at the school. Jack Kerouac visited frequently, and based characters in The Dharma Bums on Watts and Snyder.